The Playwright, by Eddie Campbell and Daren White. It's a hardback collection (and colourization, and expansion) of the strip Messers White and Campbell did for the late Australian anthology DeeVee, about a middle-aged sad sack and fantasist who spends most of his time travelling on buses and leaching after women. I read it at the time, and it's very good, like a more erudite version of Dan Clowes' Wilson. Campbell can do no wrong in my eyes, so I'm looking forward to reading (or rather re-reading in parts) this.

The other score, and this is the one that really is a score, was this:

What is it? It's the 600th issue of Wonder Woman. Not that exciting, you might think, and also, didn't you buy this last week anyway, you silly sod, you might continue to think. And yes, I did. But this particular

Oh, and before I go (again), next week I'll be slightly overhauling my weekly posts about the comics I'll be getting. I'm bidding a fond(ish) farewell to the various permutations of the List header, for one. Actually that might be the only change, but we'll see how things shake out. Exciting times, friends, exciting times...
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