Tuesday 20 August 2013

Elmore Leonard, 1925–2013

Damn. Just this minute seen the sad news that Elmore Leonard died this morning, aged 87. (Update: head to The Rap Sheet for links to obituaries and a terrific homage.) Leonard had suffered a stroke a few weeks back and had subsequently been hospitalised; on the author's Facebook page, Gregg Sutter, Leonard's researcher and webmaster, reports:

The post I dreaded to write, and you dreaded to read. Elmore passed away at 7:15 this morning from complications from his stroke. He was at home surrounded by his loving family. More to follow.

Anyone who reads Existential Ennui on a regular basis will know that I've been on a Leonard kick of late, recently posting a string of reviews of the writer's novels. They weren't intended as a tribute to Mr. Leonard, and certainly not a eulogy – just my thoughts on his work; but under the circumstances, well, I guess a number of them – and a handful of older posts – go some way towards expressing my admiration for his brilliant, beautifully written books:

The Hunted (1978)

The Switch (1979)

Dutch Treat (1985), feat. Mr. Majestyk, Swag and The Hunted

Raylan (2012), Elmore Leonard's final novel.


  1. Sad news indeed. While I've read only maybe half a dozen EL novels, I enjoyed all of them immensely. He had a great run, and I'm sure he'll be entertaining lovers of crime fiction generations from now.

  2. Gosh, just when you've inspired me to read more of him. I regret that I didn't get to fully appreciate him while he was alive.
