Saturday, 3 April 2010
The Stark Cutaway
I've read four of Richard Stark/Donald Westlake's Parker novels now (well, nearly; I haven't quite finished The Mourner yet), and there's a device that Westlake employs in each book, usually two-thirds or so into the story (although earlier in the first novel, Point Blank). Essentially he cuts away from Parker's story – the books aren't written in the first person, but they are largely told from Parker's perspective – and focuses instead on a different character (or characters), one he's introduced earlier in the book.
Point Blank contains the most celebrated example of this, where during Part Two we cut away to follow Mal, the Outfit man who's double-crossed Parker, and stay with Mal right up to the point Parker re-enters the story in a surprising fashion. (As an aside, and related to this earlier post, the 1984 Allison & Busby edition of the book slightly fluffs this reveal with an error, substituting a "when" for what had been a "saw". Well done again there, A&B proofreaders.) The Outfit, the third Parker novel, cuts away to follow multiple heists, while The Mourner (Parker #4) leaves Parker for dead before cutting away.
But my favourite cutaway so far, I think, is in The Man with the Getaway Face (Parker #2), and involves the unfortunate Stubbs. In its own way, the switch to Stubbs' story in Part Three is as surprising as the reappearance of Parker in Point Blank. Westlake lulls us into a false sense of security: the heist has gone well, the double-cross even better. And then the rug gets pulled out from underneath Parker's feet and everything goes to pot. End of Part Two. Then we get Part Three, and all of a sudden we're in a parallel detective tale, as we follow Stubbs on a woozy manhunt – woozy because Stubbs is the dumbest detective imaginable. A former Communist Party activist, repeated head injuries have left him in a severely befuddled state. But that only makes him and his adventure more entertaining, as he bumps into dead end after dead end and tries to keep himself on track.
And best of all it all leads up to a twist right at the end of the novel that brilliantly deflates the whole enterprise. So that's why I reckon The Man with the Getwaway Face has the best Stark Cutaway (so far, anyway).
Friday, 2 April 2010
The Black Ice Score
Another Parker novel turned up yesterday:

The Allison & Busby 1986 paperback of the eleventh Parker novel, The Black Ice Score. I did think I might get the hardback of this one for my recent birthday, but some other bugger bought the copy I'd identified before it could be bought for me. Never mind – this paperback'll do just fine.
So, that leaves three Parker novels from the first run I don't have in any edition: The Split, Plunder Squad, and Butcher's Moon. And I should have news on at least one of those soon...
I'm halfway through reading Parker #4, The Mourner, which is a little different to the previous books. There's a character in it, Menlo, who seems more like a character from a spy novel than Stark's usual hard-bitten cast. But the writing's as poetically matter-of-fact as ever, with lots of those lovely economical sentences, often broken at a rightangle halfway through by a comma, almost like really good song lyrics. I should probably write something about the previous Parker, The Outfit, at some point, but maybe I'll leave that till I've watched the movie, and then compare the two.

The Allison & Busby 1986 paperback of the eleventh Parker novel, The Black Ice Score. I did think I might get the hardback of this one for my recent birthday, but some other bugger bought the copy I'd identified before it could be bought for me. Never mind – this paperback'll do just fine.
So, that leaves three Parker novels from the first run I don't have in any edition: The Split, Plunder Squad, and Butcher's Moon. And I should have news on at least one of those soon...
I'm halfway through reading Parker #4, The Mourner, which is a little different to the previous books. There's a character in it, Menlo, who seems more like a character from a spy novel than Stark's usual hard-bitten cast. But the writing's as poetically matter-of-fact as ever, with lots of those lovely economical sentences, often broken at a rightangle halfway through by a comma, almost like really good song lyrics. I should probably write something about the previous Parker, The Outfit, at some point, but maybe I'll leave that till I've watched the movie, and then compare the two.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Deadly Edge/The Damsel/The Glass Cell
A bumper delivery today – three books, all with their own little stories (as well as the stories inside the actual books that is; oh you know what I mean).
First up, we have this:

The 1990 Allison & Busby paperback edition of the thirteenth Parker novel, Deadly Edge (originally published in the US in 1971). Take a good look at that cover. Why? Two reasons. The first is that, as of now, so far as I can tell, there are no copies of this particular edition for sale online anywhere. There were two copies available on Amazon, and therein lies the tale: this being a later Parker novel, I figured I'd collect the earlier books in the series first (in Allison & Busby editions, as noted many, many times before) and come back and pick up one of those two paperback copies of Deadly Edge down the line. (I also wasn't sure exactly which edition the two listings were; I think the publication date in both cases was given by Amazon as 1992, which, according to Fantastic Fiction – often the only decent online guide to particular editions of books – would've made them Atlantic Large Print editions, and therefore of much less interest to me. Yes, I know, I'm sad. I think we've established that already.)
But of course I forgot the golden rule: if a book is for sale online, it's for sale online, i.e. anyone can buy the bugger. And over the weekend, whilst lazily checking Amazon, I noticed that one of the copies had gone. And it was the one I had my eye on. Eek! So I put in an order for the other one sharpish, even though I wasn't sure which edition it was and the only clue to condition were the words "some creasing". Gulp. Luckily, it's fine – it's the right edition, and the creasing's really minimal, with just a few stains to the page edges.
As for the second reason for taking a good look at the cover... Well. Never having seen the cover before (there are no scans online), as soon as I had the book in my hands I realised there was something familiar about it. A quick google later, I understood why: Allison & Busby used the same cover illustration (that angular, expressionistic painting by Stephen Hall) for their 1997 Parker Omnibus Vol. 1. Regardez-vous:

Fascinating stuff, eh? Anyway, Fantastic Fiction reckon that A&B published a hardback of Deadly Edge two years after this paperback in 1992. I can't find any kind of record for that online, but even if they did, this paperback predates it, so... actually I'm not sure what my point here is. Let's move on.
So what else was in today's bumper delivery? Why, since you ask, there was also this:

The 1968 first UK edition of Richard Stark's The Damsel, published by Hodder & Stoughton (originally published in the US in 1967 by Macmillan), and sporting a lovely, rather elegant jacket designed by Michael Dempsey. Now, regular reader (hello, Martin, and welcome back from Japan) might possibly recall my having banged on about the Parker novels at length on this blog (juuuuust possibly...), but what I haven't mentioned before is that there's a parallel series of Stark novels, set in the same universe as the Parker books, and starring an occasional accomplice of Parker's: Alan Grofield. Grofield first pops up in The Score (which I haven't read yet), the fifth Parker novel (originally published 1964), then again in The Handle (Parker #8, 1966) before spinning off into his own series of four books, of which The Damsel is the first. Apparently they're lighter in tone than the Parker books, so it'll be interesting to read this one.
(For the record, the other three Grofield novels are The Dame (1969), The Blackbird (also 1969) and Lemons Never Lie (1971). He also appears in two further Parker books: Slayground (1969) – which crosses over with The Blackbird – and Butcher's Moon (1974).)
The nice man who sold me The Damsel must've only just put it online – he told me he'd just picked up slightly better condition copies of that and the other book I bought off him (which I'll come to in a moment, although I've just realised that this sodding post is approaching a fairly epic length now) for his own collection, which is why he was selling those two. At any rate I know there aren't any other copies of this edition of The Damsel for sale online in the UK. Bully for me.
And so we finally reach the third book in the bumper delivery – I'm bloody exhausted now – which is this:

My god! It's not a Parker book! No, it's my other obsession: Patricia Highsmith, and a 1965 first UK edition of The Glass Cell. I noticed the nice man who had The Damsel for sale also had a copy of this for sale, for four quid. It's ex-library, but not in too bad a shape considering. A little grubby, but you can't really complain at that price. When I first started collecting Highsmith UK firsts, this was one of the first ones I saw in a bookshop, in Cecil Court in London. It looked like a good read – I think it's about a guy in prison, which is a bit different for Highsmith, and also who doesn't like a good jail tale? – but it was too expensive, so despite fondling it on a number of visits to the shop, I never bought it.
But now I have it. So thank you to the nice man who sold me this and The Damsel – a kindred spirit by the sounds of it (he too collects both Stark and Highsmith; funny how we're both attracted to novels featuring amoral sociopaths...). And with that, this post is at an end. Sing hosanna.
First up, we have this:

The 1990 Allison & Busby paperback edition of the thirteenth Parker novel, Deadly Edge (originally published in the US in 1971). Take a good look at that cover. Why? Two reasons. The first is that, as of now, so far as I can tell, there are no copies of this particular edition for sale online anywhere. There were two copies available on Amazon, and therein lies the tale: this being a later Parker novel, I figured I'd collect the earlier books in the series first (in Allison & Busby editions, as noted many, many times before) and come back and pick up one of those two paperback copies of Deadly Edge down the line. (I also wasn't sure exactly which edition the two listings were; I think the publication date in both cases was given by Amazon as 1992, which, according to Fantastic Fiction – often the only decent online guide to particular editions of books – would've made them Atlantic Large Print editions, and therefore of much less interest to me. Yes, I know, I'm sad. I think we've established that already.)
But of course I forgot the golden rule: if a book is for sale online, it's for sale online, i.e. anyone can buy the bugger. And over the weekend, whilst lazily checking Amazon, I noticed that one of the copies had gone. And it was the one I had my eye on. Eek! So I put in an order for the other one sharpish, even though I wasn't sure which edition it was and the only clue to condition were the words "some creasing". Gulp. Luckily, it's fine – it's the right edition, and the creasing's really minimal, with just a few stains to the page edges.
As for the second reason for taking a good look at the cover... Well. Never having seen the cover before (there are no scans online), as soon as I had the book in my hands I realised there was something familiar about it. A quick google later, I understood why: Allison & Busby used the same cover illustration (that angular, expressionistic painting by Stephen Hall) for their 1997 Parker Omnibus Vol. 1. Regardez-vous:

Fascinating stuff, eh? Anyway, Fantastic Fiction reckon that A&B published a hardback of Deadly Edge two years after this paperback in 1992. I can't find any kind of record for that online, but even if they did, this paperback predates it, so... actually I'm not sure what my point here is. Let's move on.
So what else was in today's bumper delivery? Why, since you ask, there was also this:

The 1968 first UK edition of Richard Stark's The Damsel, published by Hodder & Stoughton (originally published in the US in 1967 by Macmillan), and sporting a lovely, rather elegant jacket designed by Michael Dempsey. Now, regular reader (hello, Martin, and welcome back from Japan) might possibly recall my having banged on about the Parker novels at length on this blog (juuuuust possibly...), but what I haven't mentioned before is that there's a parallel series of Stark novels, set in the same universe as the Parker books, and starring an occasional accomplice of Parker's: Alan Grofield. Grofield first pops up in The Score (which I haven't read yet), the fifth Parker novel (originally published 1964), then again in The Handle (Parker #8, 1966) before spinning off into his own series of four books, of which The Damsel is the first. Apparently they're lighter in tone than the Parker books, so it'll be interesting to read this one.
(For the record, the other three Grofield novels are The Dame (1969), The Blackbird (also 1969) and Lemons Never Lie (1971). He also appears in two further Parker books: Slayground (1969) – which crosses over with The Blackbird – and Butcher's Moon (1974).)
The nice man who sold me The Damsel must've only just put it online – he told me he'd just picked up slightly better condition copies of that and the other book I bought off him (which I'll come to in a moment, although I've just realised that this sodding post is approaching a fairly epic length now) for his own collection, which is why he was selling those two. At any rate I know there aren't any other copies of this edition of The Damsel for sale online in the UK. Bully for me.
And so we finally reach the third book in the bumper delivery – I'm bloody exhausted now – which is this:

My god! It's not a Parker book! No, it's my other obsession: Patricia Highsmith, and a 1965 first UK edition of The Glass Cell. I noticed the nice man who had The Damsel for sale also had a copy of this for sale, for four quid. It's ex-library, but not in too bad a shape considering. A little grubby, but you can't really complain at that price. When I first started collecting Highsmith UK firsts, this was one of the first ones I saw in a bookshop, in Cecil Court in London. It looked like a good read – I think it's about a guy in prison, which is a bit different for Highsmith, and also who doesn't like a good jail tale? – but it was too expensive, so despite fondling it on a number of visits to the shop, I never bought it.
But now I have it. So thank you to the nice man who sold me this and The Damsel – a kindred spirit by the sounds of it (he too collects both Stark and Highsmith; funny how we're both attracted to novels featuring amoral sociopaths...). And with that, this post is at an end. Sing hosanna.
News: The Outfit Next for Darwyn Cooke
Look at this, some proper news for once. Wonders will never cease. To wit: comics publisher IDW have announced that the next Richard Stark/Parker graphic novel adaptation from Darwyn Cooke (he of DC's The New Frontier fame, and various splendid Batman/Catwoman comics) will be... The Outfit. Which means that, having adapted the first Parker novel, The Hunter/Point Blank, Cooke is skipping to the third, bypassing The Man with the Getaway Face.
Ah, except he isn't, because part of that announcement is the news that seemingly The Man with the Getaway Face is being incorporated into The Outfit by Cooke (in a rather truncated form I imagine), and will also be released as a standalone chapter in an oversized comic book in July. Which is all rather exciting. If a little confusing. Anyway, here's a peek at the cover to the comic:

Woo, and indeed, hoo.
Ah, except he isn't, because part of that announcement is the news that seemingly The Man with the Getaway Face is being incorporated into The Outfit by Cooke (in a rather truncated form I imagine), and will also be released as a standalone chapter in an oversized comic book in July. Which is all rather exciting. If a little confusing. Anyway, here's a peek at the cover to the comic:

Woo, and indeed, hoo.
Giving Back to the Community
It's nice to be able to do one's bit for the town where one lives, er, in. This post wot I did about Lewes bookshops currently resides on the first page of hits when you google "Lewes bookshops". It's true what they say: it feels good to give as well as receive. Ooer. Mind you, anyone who reads that post might be slightly surprised by the content...
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
New(ish) Acquisitions
Well in all the excitement over birthdays and new Allison & Busby Parker novels and Outfit DVDs and the like, I plum forgot to mention a couple of new acquisitions. Namely, this:

a 1978 first UK edition of the third Fletch novel, Fletch's Fortune; and this:

a 1961 first paperback edition of the sixth Bond novel, Goldfinger. I do love these old Pan paperbacks. I've got first Pan editions now of this, Dr. No and From Russia, with Love, plus first re-set editions of Casino Royale and Moonraker, and early editions of Live and Let Die and Diamonds Are Forever too. That last one is next on my list to read, although I've just started Patricia Highsmith's The Blunderer, and also the fourth Parker novel, The Mourner, so I dunno when I'll get to it. Er, and I've started reading Stuart Maconie's Adventures on the High Teas as well. Um, and a graphic novel, Jamie Delano and Jock's Hellblazer: Pandemonium. Uh, and I'm dipping into Eddie Campbell's great big Alec collection, which was another birthday present, and contains a new story. Gah. Too. Many. Books!

a 1978 first UK edition of the third Fletch novel, Fletch's Fortune; and this:

a 1961 first paperback edition of the sixth Bond novel, Goldfinger. I do love these old Pan paperbacks. I've got first Pan editions now of this, Dr. No and From Russia, with Love, plus first re-set editions of Casino Royale and Moonraker, and early editions of Live and Let Die and Diamonds Are Forever too. That last one is next on my list to read, although I've just started Patricia Highsmith's The Blunderer, and also the fourth Parker novel, The Mourner, so I dunno when I'll get to it. Er, and I've started reading Stuart Maconie's Adventures on the High Teas as well. Um, and a graphic novel, Jamie Delano and Jock's Hellblazer: Pandemonium. Uh, and I'm dipping into Eddie Campbell's great big Alec collection, which was another birthday present, and contains a new story. Gah. Too. Many. Books!
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
It was just me.
The pictures are back now. In fact they never went anywhere, it was just my internets being half-arsed. Mystery solved, move along now, nothing to see here... except...
...except The List! Which, frankly, is nothing to see either this week. Here's what it looks like:
Rasl #7
Er, that's it. That. Is. Fucking. It. One comic. One comic out of a list of maybe 200. What's that? You don't believe there's 200 comics out this week? There can't possibly be 200 comics out this week, or indeed next week, or the week after that, or the week after that, or indeed every week following that you care to name? Oh, how little you know. Gaze upon the full list of comics for this week:
Whorehouse Madrigals SC, $14.99
Gold Digger Peebo Tales TP, $15.95
Governator #1, $3.99
Littlest Zombie #1, $3.50
Hairy Things #1 (of 3), $3.95
Betty #185, $2.50
Pals N Gals Double Digest #140, $3.99
Sonic The Hedgehog #211, $2.50
Amelia Rules Volume 4 When The Past Is A Present TP (Simon & Schuster Edition), $10.99
Hi Fructose Magazine Quarterly #15, $6.95
Blackbeard Legacy Vs Pistolfist (One Shot)(release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $3.99
Female Force #13 Ellen Degeneres, $3.99
Logans Run #2, $3.99
Political Power #9 Bill Clinton, $3.99
Roger Corman Presents Battle Amongst Stars #1, $3.99
Vincent Price Presents #16, $3.99
Disneys Hero Squad Ultraheroes #3 (Cover A), $2.99
Disneys Hero Squad Ultraheroes #3 (Cover B), $2.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #10 (of 24)(Cover A), $3.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #10 (of 24)(Cover B), $3.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Volume 2 HC (of 6), $24.99
Farscape Volume 1 HC (Limited SDCC Special Edition), $74.99
Incorruptible #4 (Cover A), $3.99
Incorruptible #4 (Cover B), $3.99
Incorruptible #4 (Variant Incentive Cover), AR
Incredibles Family Matters Special Edition Holofoil Set, $99.99
Wizards Of Mickey #3 (Cover A), $2.99
Wizards Of Mickey #3 (Cover B), $2.99
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #61 (Regular Cover), $2.95
Cereal Geek Magazine #4, $15.00
Rasl #7, $3.50
Streetfighter The Complete History SC, $19.95
Cinefex #121 (Apr 2010)(release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $12.50
Comic Shop News #1189, AR
Dark Horse Capsule Assortment Marvel Heroes Wrist Bands Series #1, AR
Domo 2 Inch Mystery Qee Figures Series 2 Individual Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Mystery Qee Figures Series 2 Display Case, $134.85
Domo 2 Inch Qee Flocked Classic Brown Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Flocked Pink Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Metallic Orange Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Metallic Rusty Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Skeleton Figure, $8.99
Star Wars Legacy #46 (Monster part 4 of 4), $2.99
Terminator 2029 #1 (of 3), $3.50
Usagi Yojimbo #127 (The Sword Of Narukami Part 1 Of 1), $3.50
Adventure Comics #9 (Francis Manapul Regular Cover), $3.99
Adventure Comics #9 (Rafael Albuquerque 'Adventure Comics 512' Variant Cover), AR
Astro City The Dark Age Book Four #3 (of 4), $3.99
Billy Batson And The Magic Of SHAZAM #14, $2.50
Blackest Night Poster #1, $8.99
Blackest Night Poster #1 Prepack, AR
Blackest Night Poster #2, $8.99
Blackest Night Poster #2 Prepack, AR
Blackest Night #8 (of 8)(Ivan Reis Regular Cover), $3.99
Blackest Night #8 (of 8)(Rodolfo Migliari Variant Cover), AR
Blackest Night #8 (of 8)(Ivan Reis Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Blackest Night Black Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Blue Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Green Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Indigo Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Orange Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Red Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Violet Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Yellow Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Brave And The Bold Volume 3 Demons And Dragons TP, $17.99
Creeper By Steve Ditko HC, $39.99
DC Dynamics Aquaman Statue, $195.00
Detective Comics #863, $3.99
God Of War #1 (of 6)(resolicited), $3.99
Gotham City Sirens #10, $2.99
Gotham City Stories Part 1 Batman Statue, $99.99
Jack Of Fables #44, $2.99
Justice League Of America #43 (Mark Bagley & Rob Hunter Regular Cover), $3.99
Justice League Of America #43 (Mike Mayhew Variant Cover), AR
Justice Society Of America #37, $2.99
King Of Cards Volume 9 TP, $9.99
Madame Xanadu #21, $2.99
Oh My Brother Volume 2 TP, $9.99
Oracle The Cure TP, $17.99
Outsiders #28, $2.99
Robin Archives Volume 2 HC, $59.99
Strange Adventures TP, $19.99
Teen Titans #81, $3.99
Unknown Soldier #18, $2.99
Web #7, $3.99
Wonder Woman #42, $2.99
Wonder Woman The Ends Of The Earth TP, $17.99
Talisman Road Of Trials #5, $3.99
Obergeist Essential Edition HC, $29.99
Hack Slash #30 (Cover A Tim Seeley), $3.50
Hack Slash #30 (Cover B Dan Leister), $3.50
Previews #259 (April 2010), AR
How To Seduce A Vampire GN, $12.95
Selfish Demon King Novel, $10.95
John Stanley Library Melvin Monster Volume 2 HC, $24.95
Green Hornet #1 (Dynamic Forces)(Alex Ross Negative Art Cover), $14.99
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 (Dynamic Forces)(Stan Lee Signed), $149.99
Army Of Darkness Omnibus Volume 1 TP, $29.99
Green Hornet #2 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #2 (John Cassady Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #2 (Joe Benitez Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #2 (Stephen Segovia Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #2 (Alex Ross Black/White/Green Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #2 (Joe Benitez Black/White/Green Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #2 (John Cassaday Black/White/Green Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #2 (Shared Retailer Exclusive Variant Cover), AR
Legendary Talespinners #2 (of 3)(Grant Bond Cover), $3.99
Legendary Talespinners #2 (of 3)(Nick Bradshaw Cover), $3.99
Buffy & Angel Figure Collection Magazine #4 (Master), $20.00
Classic Pinup Art Of Jack Cole SC, $18.99
High Soft Lisp GN, $16.99
It Was War Of The Trenches HC, $24.99
Penny Century TP, $18.99
White Dwarf #362, AR
Alice In Wonderland A Visual Companion HC, $50.00
Emily The Strange Book 2 Stranger And Stranger HC (resolicited), $16.99
Heavy Metal May 2010, $6.95
Requiem Le Chevalier Vampire Collection Volume 2 Vampire Knight TP (release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $19.95
A-Team War Stories BA #1 (Michael Gaydos Regular Cover), $3.99
A-Team War Stories BA #1 (Photo Variant Cover), AR
Bible Eden GN (New Printing), $17.99
Dragon Age #1 (Humberto Ramos Regular Cover), $3.99
Eternal Descent #1 (Jason Metcalf Regular Cover), $3.99
Eternal Descent #1 (Szymon Kudranski Variant Cover), AR
EZ Street GN, $21.99
G.I. Joe Cobra II #3 (Antonio Fuso Regular Cover), $3.99
G.I. Joe Cobra II #3 (Howard Chaykin Regular Cover), $3.99
G.I. Joe Cobra II #3 (Howard Chaykin Variant Cover), AR
Star Trek The Next Generation Ghosts #5 (Joe Corroney Regular Cover), $3.99
Star Trek The Next Generation Ghosts #5 (Joe Corroney Virgin Cover), AR
Transformers #5 (Ongoing)(Don Figueroa Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers #5 (Ongoing)(Andrew Wildman Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers #5 (Ongoing)(Don Figueroa Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Godland #31, $2.99
Image Firsts Walking Dead #1, $1.00
Image Firsts Youngblood #1, $1.00
Impaler #5 (combined with issue 6), $4.99
PvP #45, $3.50
Sword #23, $2.99
Amazing Spider-Man #627, $2.99
Amazing Spider-Man By JMS Ultimate Collection Book 3 TP, $34.99
Captain America Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection TP, $24.99
Cloak And Dagger (One Shot), $3.99
Dark Wolverine #84 (Siege Tie-In), $2.99
Doomwar #1 (of 6)(John Romita Jr. 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Essential Rampaging Hulk Volume 2 TP, $19.99
Fantastic Four #577, $2.99
Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3 War Of Kings Book 2 TP, $19.99
Incredible Hulk #607 (Paul Pelletier 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Iron Man Extremis HC (Book Market Cover), $24.99
Iron Man Extremis HC (Adi Granov Direct Market Variant Cover), $24.99
Iron Man I Am Iron Man TP, $16.99
Marvel Previews #80 (April 2010 For Products On-Sale June 2010), AR
New Mutants #11 (Siege Tie-In), $2.99
Nomad Girl Without A World TP, $14.99
Prelude To Deadpool Corps #5 (of 5), $2.99
Punisher #15, $2.99
Punisher MAX #1 (Marvel's Greatest Comics), $1.00
Realm Of Kings Inhumans #5 (of 5), $3.99
She-Hulk Sensational #1, $4.99
Spider-Man The Complete Clone Saga Epic Book 1 TP, $34.99
Spin Angels HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Thunderbolts #141 (2nd Printing Variant Cover)(Siege Tie-In), $2.99
Wolverine Origins #46, $2.99
Wolverine Origins Romulus TP, $14.99
Women Of Marvel Poster, $8.99
X-Force #25 (Clayton Crain Regular Cover)(X Necrosha Finale), $2.99
X-Force #25 (Clayton Crain Variant Cover)(X Necrosha Finale), AR
X-Men Forever #20, $3.99
X-Men Second Coming #1 (Adi Granov Regular Cover)(Second Coming Tie-In), $3.99
X-Men Second Coming #1 (David Finch Variant Cover)(Second Coming Tie-In), AR
Illuminating Torchwood SC, $35.00
Home For Mr Easter GN, $13.99
99 Classic Movies For People In A Hurry, $9.95
Rough Justice The DC Comics Sketches of Alex Ross, $30.00
Stone Rabbit Book 4 Superhero Stampede GN (release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $5.99
Geronimo Stilton Volume 4 Following The Trail Of Marco Polo HC, $9.99
Hardy Boys Volume 19 Chaos At 30000 Feet GN, $7.95
Aladdin Legacy Of The Lost #2 (of 3)(Cover A Arthur Suydam), $4.99
Aladdin Legacy Of The Lost #2 (of 3)(Cover B Lucio Parrillo), $4.99
Aladdin Legacy Of The Lost #2 (of 3)(Clayton Crain Variant Cover), AR
2000 AD Pack Feb 2010 (issues 1670 to 1673), $18.00
Pokemon Collectors Sticker Book Johto Edition, $6.99
Pokemon Deluxe Activity Book Region TK Edition, $5.99
Hayate X Blade Volume 6 GN (release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $10.99
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac HC (New Printing), $44.95
Solomon Kane Official Movie Magazine, $14.99
Star Trek Magazine #25 (Newsstand Edition), $6.99
Star Trek Magazine #25 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $6.99
Supernatural Magazine #16 (Newsstand Edition), $6.99
Supernatural Magazine #16 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $6.99
Chibi Vampire Novel Volume 6 (of 9), $10.99
Fate Stay Night Volume 7 GN (of 7), $10.99
.hack//4koma GN, $12.99
Happy Cafe Volume 2 GN (of 14), $10.99
Maid Sama Volume 4 GN (of 8), $10.99
Mikansei No 1 Volume 2 GN, $10.99
Mugen Spiral Complete 2 Volume Series GN, $14.99
Red Hot Chili Samuarai Volume 1 GN, $10.99
Samurai Harem Asu no Yoichi Volume 4 GN (of 10), $12.99
Trinity Blood Volume 12 GN, $10.99
Tomarts Action Figure Digest #187, $5.95
Silent Mobius Complete Edition Volume 3 GN, $14.99
My Life With Charlie Brown by Charles M Schultz HC, $25.00
Tezukas Black Jack Volume 10 TP, $16.95
Ode To Kirihito Part 1 SC (by Osamu Tezuka), $14.95
Ode To Kirihito Part 2 SC (by Osamu Tezuka), $14.95
Butterflies Flowers Volume 2 GN, $9.99
Haruka Beyond The Stream Of Time Volume 7 GN, $9.99
Pluto Urasawa X Tezuka Volume 8 GN (of 8), $12.99
Vagabond Volume 31 TP, $9.95
Escape From Wonderland #6 (of 6)(Cover A Rich Bonk), $2.99
Escape From Wonderland #6 (of 6)(Cover B Daniel Leister), $2.99
Waking #2 (of 4)(Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $3.99
Waking #2 (of 4)(Cover B Eric J), $3.99
Waking #2 (of 4)(J. Scott Campbell Sketch Variant Cover), $15.00
Wonderland Pint Glass Set, $24.95
Zenescope Shooter Set, $15.99
And you know the worst thing? That's not even including all the other comic-related shit that's out this week. Shit like this:
Wizard Magazine #224 (Iron Man 2 Cover), $5.99
Wizard Magazine #224 (Marvel Ultimate Universe Cover), $5.99
Dawn 20th Anniversary Trading Card Binder (Dynamic Forces), $29.99
Cards - TOPPS
Topps 2010 Finest MLB Trading Card Box, AR
Upper Deck 2009 10 Champs NHL Trading Card Box, AR
Upper Deck 2009 Prominent Cuts Trading Card Box, AR
Ablaze Board Game, $20.00
Eco Fluxx 2009 Ed Card Game, AR
Goblins Card Game, $26.00
Nuns On The Run Board Game, $35.00
Zombie Ninja Pirates Card Game, $17.95
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Aqua, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Blue, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Clear, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Green, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Purple, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Red, $9.80
Warhammer 40K Dark Heresy RPG Ascension, $49.95
Yu Gi Oh TCG 5ds Absolute Powerforce Se Box Dis, AR
Lone Wolf Multiplayer Gamebook, $19.99
Paranoia RPG None Of This Is My Fault, $12.99
Games - PSI
Homesteaders Board Game, $39.95
Mage Awakening RPG Night Horrors Unbidden (resolicited), $27.99
Terra Prime Board Game, $39.95
Axis & Allies Naval CMG War At Sea Starter Set, $24.99
D&D Hammerfast, $14.95
Gold Dragon Codex, $9.95
Brightest Day Symbol T-Shirt LG, $17.95
Brightest Day Symbol T-Shirt MED, $17.95
Brightest Day Symbol T-Shirt XL, $17.95
Brightest Day Symbol T-Shirt XXL, $20.95
Doctor Who Martha Jones Jacket MED, $249.00
Doctor Who Martha Jones Jacket SM, $249.00
Doctor Who Tenth Doctors Coat LG, $299.00
Doctor Who Tenth Doctors Coat MED, $299.00
Doctor Who Tenth Doctors Coat SM, $299.00
Doctor Who Tenth Doctors Coat XL, $299.00
Halo ODST Logo Zip-up Hoodie LG, $49.99
Halo ODST Logo Zip-up Hoodie MED, $49.99
Halo ODST Logo Zip-up Hoodie XXL, $49.99
Tokidoki X Marvel Capt America Juniors T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Capt America Juniors T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Capt America Juniors T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Capt America Juniors T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Hulk Juniors T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Hulk Juniors T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Hulk Juniors T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Hulk Juniors T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Human Torch Gray T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Human Torch Gray T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Human Torch Gray T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Human Torch Gray T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Spider-Man White Juniors T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Spider-Man White Juniors T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Spider-Man White Juniors T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Spider-Man White Juniors T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Thor Black T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Thor Blk T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Thor Black T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Thor Black T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Wolverine Yellow T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Wolverine Yellow T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Wolverine Yellow T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Wolverine Yellow T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Bakugan DVD Chapter 1, AR
Lord Of The Rings Animated Deluxe Edition Blu-Ray, AR
Lord Of The Rings Animated Deluxe Edition DVD, AR
Neo Angelique Abyss DVD Season 2, AR
Ray Harryhausen Wrath Of The Titans Motion Comic DVD, $14.99
Tayutama Kiss On My Deity Complete Collection DVD, AR
Twilight New Moon Blu-Ray, AR
Yozakura Quartet Complete Collection DVD, AR
Alice In Wonderland Mad Hatter & Cheshire Cat Kubrick/Bearbrick, $19.99
Alice In Wonderland Mad Hatter Rah, $199.99
Amazing Spider-Man Big Face Messenger Bag, $29.99
Battlestar Galactica Cylon Evolution Of The Cylon Poster, $14.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Tooned Up Faith Maquette, $99.99
Bob Marley Buffalo Soldier Funko Force Action Figure, $12.99
Classic Gort Bobble Head, $12.99
Classic Robby Robot Bobble Head, $12.99
Classic Saucerman Bobble Head, $12.99
Darkstalkers Felicia 1/4 Scale Statue, $300.00
DC Heroes Wave 12 Green Arrow Action Figure, $19.99
DC Heroes Wave 12 Power Girl Action Figure, $19.99
Donald Duck & Goofy Kubrick 2-pk, $19.99
Donald Duck & Goofy Kubrick 2-pk, $19.99
Final Fantasy XI Tarutaru Trading Arts Set Volume 1, $24.99
Fraulein Revoltech - Queens Blade Elina Action Figure, AR
Hellboy Fan Toffee Doll, $100.00
Ikkitousen Gg Kanu PVC Figure Pink Ribbon Lingerie, $109.99
Ikkitousen Gg Ryofu PVC Figure School Swimsuit, $109.99
Iron Man 2 Mark VI Nodnik, $7.99
Iron Man 2 War Machine Nodnik, $7.99
Iron Man 2 Whiplash Bobble Head, $11.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Axel, $9.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Halloween Sora, $9.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Sephiroth, $9.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Squall, $9.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Vivi, $9.99
Jim Morrison Lizard King Funko Force Action Figure, $12.99
Lord Of The Rings 1/1 Scale Lothlorien Bow Legolas, $299.95
Marvel Minimates Series 34 Assortment, AR
Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse Bearbrick 2-pk, $19.99
Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse Kubrick 2-pk, $19.99
Mynus Little Ugly 7in Plush, $10.00
Mynus Uglydoll 12in Plush, $20.00
Mynus Uglydoll Clip On, $6.00
Nendoroid Petite Death Note #2 12pc Bmb Disp, $107.88
Phantom Ein Figma Action Figure, AR
Robotech Zentraedi Tactical Battlepod Vinyl Figure, $24.99
Rosario + Vampire Kurumu 1:8 Scale PVC Figure, $94.99
Rosario + Vampire Moka 1:8 Scale PVC Figure, $94.99
Rulilura Ex Model Core PVC Fig Another Color Version, $109.99
Runaway Brain Mickey & Julius Kubrick 2-pk, $19.99
Serenity Blue Sun Travel Poster Set Series 2, $34.95
Shadow Statue, $199.99
Spider-Man Hero & Villain Action Figure Assortment 201003, AR
Stargate SG-1 Goauld Death Glider Replica, $99.95
Strawberry Shortcake Magic Braid Action Figure Assortment, AR
Street Fighter Zangief 1/4 Scale Statue, $375.00
Star Wars Yoda Bronze Statue (resolicited), AR
Tokidoki X Marvel Skateboard Deck, $65.00
Toy Story Lunch Box 12 Pc Assortment, AR
Transformers Mighty Muggs Action Figure Assortment 200903, AR
Transformers Movie Deluxe Action Figure Assortment 201003, AR
Uglydoll Clip on 72pc Assortment, $432.00
War Of The Worlds 1:48 Scale War Machine Special Edition Model Kit, $39.99
War Of The Worlds War Machines Attack Special Edition Model Kit, $25.99
Winnie The Pooh & Piglet Bearbrick 2 Pc Set, $19.99
Wolfman Mez-It, $14.99
World Of Warcraft Murloc Plush, $39.99
WoW Great Dragonflights Stein, AR
X-1 1:18 Scale Model Kit, $39.99
Look at it all. Look at all the fucking crap that comes out every week. Look at what I have to wade through to determine that yes, there is one single solitary comic I would like to buy this week. Just look.
So no, since you ask, I won't be going to the comic shop this week. It's not bloody worth it.
...except The List! Which, frankly, is nothing to see either this week. Here's what it looks like:
Rasl #7
Er, that's it. That. Is. Fucking. It. One comic. One comic out of a list of maybe 200. What's that? You don't believe there's 200 comics out this week? There can't possibly be 200 comics out this week, or indeed next week, or the week after that, or the week after that, or indeed every week following that you care to name? Oh, how little you know. Gaze upon the full list of comics for this week:
Whorehouse Madrigals SC, $14.99
Gold Digger Peebo Tales TP, $15.95
Governator #1, $3.99
Littlest Zombie #1, $3.50
Hairy Things #1 (of 3), $3.95
Betty #185, $2.50
Pals N Gals Double Digest #140, $3.99
Sonic The Hedgehog #211, $2.50
Amelia Rules Volume 4 When The Past Is A Present TP (Simon & Schuster Edition), $10.99
Hi Fructose Magazine Quarterly #15, $6.95
Blackbeard Legacy Vs Pistolfist (One Shot)(release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $3.99
Female Force #13 Ellen Degeneres, $3.99
Logans Run #2, $3.99
Political Power #9 Bill Clinton, $3.99
Roger Corman Presents Battle Amongst Stars #1, $3.99
Vincent Price Presents #16, $3.99
Disneys Hero Squad Ultraheroes #3 (Cover A), $2.99
Disneys Hero Squad Ultraheroes #3 (Cover B), $2.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #10 (of 24)(Cover A), $3.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #10 (of 24)(Cover B), $3.99
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Volume 2 HC (of 6), $24.99
Farscape Volume 1 HC (Limited SDCC Special Edition), $74.99
Incorruptible #4 (Cover A), $3.99
Incorruptible #4 (Cover B), $3.99
Incorruptible #4 (Variant Incentive Cover), AR
Incredibles Family Matters Special Edition Holofoil Set, $99.99
Wizards Of Mickey #3 (Cover A), $2.99
Wizards Of Mickey #3 (Cover B), $2.99
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #61 (Regular Cover), $2.95
Cereal Geek Magazine #4, $15.00
Rasl #7, $3.50
Streetfighter The Complete History SC, $19.95
Cinefex #121 (Apr 2010)(release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $12.50
Comic Shop News #1189, AR
Dark Horse Capsule Assortment Marvel Heroes Wrist Bands Series #1, AR
Domo 2 Inch Mystery Qee Figures Series 2 Individual Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Mystery Qee Figures Series 2 Display Case, $134.85
Domo 2 Inch Qee Flocked Classic Brown Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Flocked Pink Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Metallic Orange Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Metallic Rusty Figure, $8.99
Domo 2 Inch Qee Skeleton Figure, $8.99
Star Wars Legacy #46 (Monster part 4 of 4), $2.99
Terminator 2029 #1 (of 3), $3.50
Usagi Yojimbo #127 (The Sword Of Narukami Part 1 Of 1), $3.50
Adventure Comics #9 (Francis Manapul Regular Cover), $3.99
Adventure Comics #9 (Rafael Albuquerque 'Adventure Comics 512' Variant Cover), AR
Astro City The Dark Age Book Four #3 (of 4), $3.99
Billy Batson And The Magic Of SHAZAM #14, $2.50
Blackest Night Poster #1, $8.99
Blackest Night Poster #1 Prepack, AR
Blackest Night Poster #2, $8.99
Blackest Night Poster #2 Prepack, AR
Blackest Night #8 (of 8)(Ivan Reis Regular Cover), $3.99
Blackest Night #8 (of 8)(Rodolfo Migliari Variant Cover), AR
Blackest Night #8 (of 8)(Ivan Reis Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Blackest Night Black Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Blue Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Green Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Indigo Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Orange Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Red Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Violet Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Blackest Night Yellow Lantern Promotional Rings (Blackest Night issue 8 reorder), AR
Brave And The Bold Volume 3 Demons And Dragons TP, $17.99
Creeper By Steve Ditko HC, $39.99
DC Dynamics Aquaman Statue, $195.00
Detective Comics #863, $3.99
God Of War #1 (of 6)(resolicited), $3.99
Gotham City Sirens #10, $2.99
Gotham City Stories Part 1 Batman Statue, $99.99
Jack Of Fables #44, $2.99
Justice League Of America #43 (Mark Bagley & Rob Hunter Regular Cover), $3.99
Justice League Of America #43 (Mike Mayhew Variant Cover), AR
Justice Society Of America #37, $2.99
King Of Cards Volume 9 TP, $9.99
Madame Xanadu #21, $2.99
Oh My Brother Volume 2 TP, $9.99
Oracle The Cure TP, $17.99
Outsiders #28, $2.99
Robin Archives Volume 2 HC, $59.99
Strange Adventures TP, $19.99
Teen Titans #81, $3.99
Unknown Soldier #18, $2.99
Web #7, $3.99
Wonder Woman #42, $2.99
Wonder Woman The Ends Of The Earth TP, $17.99
Talisman Road Of Trials #5, $3.99
Obergeist Essential Edition HC, $29.99
Hack Slash #30 (Cover A Tim Seeley), $3.50
Hack Slash #30 (Cover B Dan Leister), $3.50
Previews #259 (April 2010), AR
How To Seduce A Vampire GN, $12.95
Selfish Demon King Novel, $10.95
John Stanley Library Melvin Monster Volume 2 HC, $24.95
Green Hornet #1 (Dynamic Forces)(Alex Ross Negative Art Cover), $14.99
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 (Dynamic Forces)(Stan Lee Signed), $149.99
Army Of Darkness Omnibus Volume 1 TP, $29.99
Green Hornet #2 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #2 (John Cassady Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #2 (Joe Benitez Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #2 (Stephen Segovia Regular Cover), $3.99
Green Hornet #2 (Alex Ross Black/White/Green Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #2 (Joe Benitez Black/White/Green Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #2 (John Cassaday Black/White/Green Variant Cover), AR
Green Hornet #2 (Shared Retailer Exclusive Variant Cover), AR
Legendary Talespinners #2 (of 3)(Grant Bond Cover), $3.99
Legendary Talespinners #2 (of 3)(Nick Bradshaw Cover), $3.99
Buffy & Angel Figure Collection Magazine #4 (Master), $20.00
Classic Pinup Art Of Jack Cole SC, $18.99
High Soft Lisp GN, $16.99
It Was War Of The Trenches HC, $24.99
Penny Century TP, $18.99
White Dwarf #362, AR
Alice In Wonderland A Visual Companion HC, $50.00
Emily The Strange Book 2 Stranger And Stranger HC (resolicited), $16.99
Heavy Metal May 2010, $6.95
Requiem Le Chevalier Vampire Collection Volume 2 Vampire Knight TP (release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $19.95
A-Team War Stories BA #1 (Michael Gaydos Regular Cover), $3.99
A-Team War Stories BA #1 (Photo Variant Cover), AR
Bible Eden GN (New Printing), $17.99
Dragon Age #1 (Humberto Ramos Regular Cover), $3.99
Eternal Descent #1 (Jason Metcalf Regular Cover), $3.99
Eternal Descent #1 (Szymon Kudranski Variant Cover), AR
EZ Street GN, $21.99
G.I. Joe Cobra II #3 (Antonio Fuso Regular Cover), $3.99
G.I. Joe Cobra II #3 (Howard Chaykin Regular Cover), $3.99
G.I. Joe Cobra II #3 (Howard Chaykin Variant Cover), AR
Star Trek The Next Generation Ghosts #5 (Joe Corroney Regular Cover), $3.99
Star Trek The Next Generation Ghosts #5 (Joe Corroney Virgin Cover), AR
Transformers #5 (Ongoing)(Don Figueroa Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers #5 (Ongoing)(Andrew Wildman Regular Cover), $3.99
Transformers #5 (Ongoing)(Don Figueroa Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Godland #31, $2.99
Image Firsts Walking Dead #1, $1.00
Image Firsts Youngblood #1, $1.00
Impaler #5 (combined with issue 6), $4.99
PvP #45, $3.50
Sword #23, $2.99
Amazing Spider-Man #627, $2.99
Amazing Spider-Man By JMS Ultimate Collection Book 3 TP, $34.99
Captain America Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection TP, $24.99
Cloak And Dagger (One Shot), $3.99
Dark Wolverine #84 (Siege Tie-In), $2.99
Doomwar #1 (of 6)(John Romita Jr. 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Essential Rampaging Hulk Volume 2 TP, $19.99
Fantastic Four #577, $2.99
Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3 War Of Kings Book 2 TP, $19.99
Incredible Hulk #607 (Paul Pelletier 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Iron Man Extremis HC (Book Market Cover), $24.99
Iron Man Extremis HC (Adi Granov Direct Market Variant Cover), $24.99
Iron Man I Am Iron Man TP, $16.99
Marvel Previews #80 (April 2010 For Products On-Sale June 2010), AR
New Mutants #11 (Siege Tie-In), $2.99
Nomad Girl Without A World TP, $14.99
Prelude To Deadpool Corps #5 (of 5), $2.99
Punisher #15, $2.99
Punisher MAX #1 (Marvel's Greatest Comics), $1.00
Realm Of Kings Inhumans #5 (of 5), $3.99
She-Hulk Sensational #1, $4.99
Spider-Man The Complete Clone Saga Epic Book 1 TP, $34.99
Spin Angels HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
Thunderbolts #141 (2nd Printing Variant Cover)(Siege Tie-In), $2.99
Wolverine Origins #46, $2.99
Wolverine Origins Romulus TP, $14.99
Women Of Marvel Poster, $8.99
X-Force #25 (Clayton Crain Regular Cover)(X Necrosha Finale), $2.99
X-Force #25 (Clayton Crain Variant Cover)(X Necrosha Finale), AR
X-Men Forever #20, $3.99
X-Men Second Coming #1 (Adi Granov Regular Cover)(Second Coming Tie-In), $3.99
X-Men Second Coming #1 (David Finch Variant Cover)(Second Coming Tie-In), AR
Illuminating Torchwood SC, $35.00
Home For Mr Easter GN, $13.99
99 Classic Movies For People In A Hurry, $9.95
Rough Justice The DC Comics Sketches of Alex Ross, $30.00
Stone Rabbit Book 4 Superhero Stampede GN (release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $5.99
Geronimo Stilton Volume 4 Following The Trail Of Marco Polo HC, $9.99
Hardy Boys Volume 19 Chaos At 30000 Feet GN, $7.95
Aladdin Legacy Of The Lost #2 (of 3)(Cover A Arthur Suydam), $4.99
Aladdin Legacy Of The Lost #2 (of 3)(Cover B Lucio Parrillo), $4.99
Aladdin Legacy Of The Lost #2 (of 3)(Clayton Crain Variant Cover), AR
2000 AD Pack Feb 2010 (issues 1670 to 1673), $18.00
Pokemon Collectors Sticker Book Johto Edition, $6.99
Pokemon Deluxe Activity Book Region TK Edition, $5.99
Hayate X Blade Volume 6 GN (release not confirmed by Diamond Distribution), $10.99
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac HC (New Printing), $44.95
Solomon Kane Official Movie Magazine, $14.99
Star Trek Magazine #25 (Newsstand Edition), $6.99
Star Trek Magazine #25 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $6.99
Supernatural Magazine #16 (Newsstand Edition), $6.99
Supernatural Magazine #16 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $6.99
Chibi Vampire Novel Volume 6 (of 9), $10.99
Fate Stay Night Volume 7 GN (of 7), $10.99
.hack//4koma GN, $12.99
Happy Cafe Volume 2 GN (of 14), $10.99
Maid Sama Volume 4 GN (of 8), $10.99
Mikansei No 1 Volume 2 GN, $10.99
Mugen Spiral Complete 2 Volume Series GN, $14.99
Red Hot Chili Samuarai Volume 1 GN, $10.99
Samurai Harem Asu no Yoichi Volume 4 GN (of 10), $12.99
Trinity Blood Volume 12 GN, $10.99
Tomarts Action Figure Digest #187, $5.95
Silent Mobius Complete Edition Volume 3 GN, $14.99
My Life With Charlie Brown by Charles M Schultz HC, $25.00
Tezukas Black Jack Volume 10 TP, $16.95
Ode To Kirihito Part 1 SC (by Osamu Tezuka), $14.95
Ode To Kirihito Part 2 SC (by Osamu Tezuka), $14.95
Butterflies Flowers Volume 2 GN, $9.99
Haruka Beyond The Stream Of Time Volume 7 GN, $9.99
Pluto Urasawa X Tezuka Volume 8 GN (of 8), $12.99
Vagabond Volume 31 TP, $9.95
Escape From Wonderland #6 (of 6)(Cover A Rich Bonk), $2.99
Escape From Wonderland #6 (of 6)(Cover B Daniel Leister), $2.99
Waking #2 (of 4)(Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $3.99
Waking #2 (of 4)(Cover B Eric J), $3.99
Waking #2 (of 4)(J. Scott Campbell Sketch Variant Cover), $15.00
Wonderland Pint Glass Set, $24.95
Zenescope Shooter Set, $15.99
And you know the worst thing? That's not even including all the other comic-related shit that's out this week. Shit like this:
Wizard Magazine #224 (Iron Man 2 Cover), $5.99
Wizard Magazine #224 (Marvel Ultimate Universe Cover), $5.99
Dawn 20th Anniversary Trading Card Binder (Dynamic Forces), $29.99
Cards - TOPPS
Topps 2010 Finest MLB Trading Card Box, AR
Upper Deck 2009 10 Champs NHL Trading Card Box, AR
Upper Deck 2009 Prominent Cuts Trading Card Box, AR
Ablaze Board Game, $20.00
Eco Fluxx 2009 Ed Card Game, AR
Goblins Card Game, $26.00
Nuns On The Run Board Game, $35.00
Zombie Ninja Pirates Card Game, $17.95
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Aqua, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Blue, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Clear, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Green, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Purple, $9.80
Crystal Translucent D6 10 Pc Set Red, $9.80
Warhammer 40K Dark Heresy RPG Ascension, $49.95
Yu Gi Oh TCG 5ds Absolute Powerforce Se Box Dis, AR
Lone Wolf Multiplayer Gamebook, $19.99
Paranoia RPG None Of This Is My Fault, $12.99
Games - PSI
Homesteaders Board Game, $39.95
Mage Awakening RPG Night Horrors Unbidden (resolicited), $27.99
Terra Prime Board Game, $39.95
Axis & Allies Naval CMG War At Sea Starter Set, $24.99
D&D Hammerfast, $14.95
Gold Dragon Codex, $9.95
Brightest Day Symbol T-Shirt LG, $17.95
Brightest Day Symbol T-Shirt MED, $17.95
Brightest Day Symbol T-Shirt XL, $17.95
Brightest Day Symbol T-Shirt XXL, $20.95
Doctor Who Martha Jones Jacket MED, $249.00
Doctor Who Martha Jones Jacket SM, $249.00
Doctor Who Tenth Doctors Coat LG, $299.00
Doctor Who Tenth Doctors Coat MED, $299.00
Doctor Who Tenth Doctors Coat SM, $299.00
Doctor Who Tenth Doctors Coat XL, $299.00
Halo ODST Logo Zip-up Hoodie LG, $49.99
Halo ODST Logo Zip-up Hoodie MED, $49.99
Halo ODST Logo Zip-up Hoodie XXL, $49.99
Tokidoki X Marvel Capt America Juniors T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Capt America Juniors T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Capt America Juniors T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Capt America Juniors T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Hulk Juniors T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Hulk Juniors T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Hulk Juniors T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Hulk Juniors T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Human Torch Gray T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Human Torch Gray T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Human Torch Gray T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Human Torch Gray T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Spider-Man White Juniors T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Spider-Man White Juniors T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Spider-Man White Juniors T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Spider-Man White Juniors T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Thor Black T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Thor Blk T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Thor Black T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Thor Black T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Wolverine Yellow T-Shirt LG, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Wolverine Yellow T-Shirt MED, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Wolverine Yellow T-Shirt SM, $28.00
Tokidoki X Marvel Wolverine Yellow T-Shirt XL, $28.00
Bakugan DVD Chapter 1, AR
Lord Of The Rings Animated Deluxe Edition Blu-Ray, AR
Lord Of The Rings Animated Deluxe Edition DVD, AR
Neo Angelique Abyss DVD Season 2, AR
Ray Harryhausen Wrath Of The Titans Motion Comic DVD, $14.99
Tayutama Kiss On My Deity Complete Collection DVD, AR
Twilight New Moon Blu-Ray, AR
Yozakura Quartet Complete Collection DVD, AR
Alice In Wonderland Mad Hatter & Cheshire Cat Kubrick/Bearbrick, $19.99
Alice In Wonderland Mad Hatter Rah, $199.99
Amazing Spider-Man Big Face Messenger Bag, $29.99
Battlestar Galactica Cylon Evolution Of The Cylon Poster, $14.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Tooned Up Faith Maquette, $99.99
Bob Marley Buffalo Soldier Funko Force Action Figure, $12.99
Classic Gort Bobble Head, $12.99
Classic Robby Robot Bobble Head, $12.99
Classic Saucerman Bobble Head, $12.99
Darkstalkers Felicia 1/4 Scale Statue, $300.00
DC Heroes Wave 12 Green Arrow Action Figure, $19.99
DC Heroes Wave 12 Power Girl Action Figure, $19.99
Donald Duck & Goofy Kubrick 2-pk, $19.99
Donald Duck & Goofy Kubrick 2-pk, $19.99
Final Fantasy XI Tarutaru Trading Arts Set Volume 1, $24.99
Fraulein Revoltech - Queens Blade Elina Action Figure, AR
Hellboy Fan Toffee Doll, $100.00
Ikkitousen Gg Kanu PVC Figure Pink Ribbon Lingerie, $109.99
Ikkitousen Gg Ryofu PVC Figure School Swimsuit, $109.99
Iron Man 2 Mark VI Nodnik, $7.99
Iron Man 2 War Machine Nodnik, $7.99
Iron Man 2 Whiplash Bobble Head, $11.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Axel, $9.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Halloween Sora, $9.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Sephiroth, $9.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Squall, $9.99
Kingdom Hearts Mascot Strap Vivi, $9.99
Jim Morrison Lizard King Funko Force Action Figure, $12.99
Lord Of The Rings 1/1 Scale Lothlorien Bow Legolas, $299.95
Marvel Minimates Series 34 Assortment, AR
Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse Bearbrick 2-pk, $19.99
Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse Kubrick 2-pk, $19.99
Mynus Little Ugly 7in Plush, $10.00
Mynus Uglydoll 12in Plush, $20.00
Mynus Uglydoll Clip On, $6.00
Nendoroid Petite Death Note #2 12pc Bmb Disp, $107.88
Phantom Ein Figma Action Figure, AR
Robotech Zentraedi Tactical Battlepod Vinyl Figure, $24.99
Rosario + Vampire Kurumu 1:8 Scale PVC Figure, $94.99
Rosario + Vampire Moka 1:8 Scale PVC Figure, $94.99
Rulilura Ex Model Core PVC Fig Another Color Version, $109.99
Runaway Brain Mickey & Julius Kubrick 2-pk, $19.99
Serenity Blue Sun Travel Poster Set Series 2, $34.95
Shadow Statue, $199.99
Spider-Man Hero & Villain Action Figure Assortment 201003, AR
Stargate SG-1 Goauld Death Glider Replica, $99.95
Strawberry Shortcake Magic Braid Action Figure Assortment, AR
Street Fighter Zangief 1/4 Scale Statue, $375.00
Star Wars Yoda Bronze Statue (resolicited), AR
Tokidoki X Marvel Skateboard Deck, $65.00
Toy Story Lunch Box 12 Pc Assortment, AR
Transformers Mighty Muggs Action Figure Assortment 200903, AR
Transformers Movie Deluxe Action Figure Assortment 201003, AR
Uglydoll Clip on 72pc Assortment, $432.00
War Of The Worlds 1:48 Scale War Machine Special Edition Model Kit, $39.99
War Of The Worlds War Machines Attack Special Edition Model Kit, $25.99
Winnie The Pooh & Piglet Bearbrick 2 Pc Set, $19.99
Wolfman Mez-It, $14.99
World Of Warcraft Murloc Plush, $39.99
WoW Great Dragonflights Stein, AR
X-1 1:18 Scale Model Kit, $39.99
Look at it all. Look at all the fucking crap that comes out every week. Look at what I have to wade through to determine that yes, there is one single solitary comic I would like to buy this week. Just look.
So no, since you ask, I won't be going to the comic shop this week. It's not bloody worth it.
Monday, 29 March 2010
The Outfit

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