Wednesday 12 June 2013

Obligatory Baby and Book Blog Post

Just a quick one – free time being at something of a premium at present – to introduce Edith Emmeline* – Edie if you're in a hurry (which I invariably am these days, appearances to the contrary) – born at 12.27pm on Sunday 19 May. Mum and baby are both doing well (there were various complications but I shan't bore you with the details) and all three of us are slowly adjusting to life as a family. As you can see, I'm getting in whatever reading I can; not as much as I was pre-birth, obviously, but enough to keep me sane. I've been on an Elmore Leonard kick of late – you might be able to make out that I'm (re)reading Get Shorty in that photo – so I hope to have a post up for Patti Nase Abbott's Friday's Forgotten Books Leonard special in a few weeks' time (if not, I guess Patti can always link this post). If I get the chance I'll be running some eBay auctions for a bunch of Richard Stark/Parker books pretty soon, so I'll let you know about those if I do, but other than that, I'll have to take it as it comes as regards a return to what will almost certainly be semi-regular – or, more likely, highly irregular – book blogging. More soon...

* The fact that the initials of Edie's first and middle names reflect those of Existential Ennui is, of course, entirely coincidental...